Use development stores and test cards

Development stores in Shopify can be used to test apps end-to-end without side effects (for example, spending real money). Development stores include most of the features that are available in the Advanced Shopify plan.

As hooks in Cloudhooks handle events happening in a store like 'an order is paid' or 'a refund is requested', development stores provide a convenient testing environment for hooks.

How to set up a development store

If you prefer video tutorials then check out this one created by Shopify:

Here is how a development store can be created in 4 easy steps:

  1. Open your Shopify Partner account - Visit the Shopify Partners page, and log in or sign up.
  2. Create a development store - In your Partner Dashboard:
    2a) Go to 'Stores'
    2b) Click 'Add store'
    2c) Select 'Development store', choose 'Create a store to test and build', and enter the required details.
  3. Configure store settings - Log in to the development store:
    3a) Access 'Settings / General' and configure store details.
  4. Set payment provider - Go to 'Settings / Payments':
    4a) Click on the "Activate test provider" link
    4b) Activate the Bogus Gateway

Install Cloudhooks in the development store

You can install Cloudhooks from the Shopify app store, like you'd install it on live stores.

Place a test order with a test card

Now that the Bogus Payment Gateway is activated in the development store, you can place orders with test cards provided by Shopify.

Use the following card numbers to get different outcomes:

  • 1 - Simulates a successful transaction
  • 2 - Simulates a failed transaction
  • 3 - Simulates an exception (Generates a message that an error occurred with the provider)

As for the other fields of the card, you can enter the following:

  • Name on card: Enter any name
  • CVV: Enter any 3-digit number
  • Expiry date: Enter any date in the future