
Sends an email with either HTML or plain text.


A config object is passed to the function with the following properties:

from Sender's email address (Optional)
to Recipient's email address
subject Email's subject
cc Array of cc recipients' emails
body Email message
It will be recognized as a HTML email if it contains any of the following tags: div, p, a, strong, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
attachment Attachment data (Optional)
attachmentName File name of the attachment. Defaults to 'file'


Promise that is resolved with no data.


Sends an email about a new order
module.exports = async function(payload, actions, context) {
	await actions.emails.send({
		to: '[email protected]',  
		cc: [ '[email protected]',  '[email protected]' ],  
		subject: 'Just a note',  
		body: `Hi!    
			Let me know what you think about ${}.`